Question and Answer: 862

The NCLEX-RN exam evaluates the competency of registered nurses in providing safe and effective care to patients. The NCLEX-RN covers nursing topics, including health promotion and maintenance, pharmacology, nursing processes, patient care, and safety. The exam is computerized, and each candidate is given a unique set of questions based on their level of knowledge and ability. The exam is adaptive, meaning that the questions become more difficult as the candidate answers correctly and easier if the candidate answers incorrectly.
The NCLEX-RN exam is an essential step in obtaining a nursing license and is a crucial milestone for anyone aspiring to become an RN. It is also essential to develop test-taking strategies and time-management skills to ensure success on exam day.
In summary, the NCLEX-RN exam is a rigorous and comprehensive exam that measures a candidate's knowledge and ability to practice as an entry-level registered nurse.